A Quick Thought

So many good concepts, destroyed.  So many dreams, laid to waste.  They could have created art, and stood out, and been visionaries.  Instead they squander potential, and pander, and shun innovation in the name of the status quo.  And the worst of it is that they still believe that they are breaking new ground.

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“Easy, kid.  Let her be.”

“Let her be, let her be?!  Captain, I’m sorry, but…  Six missions, six high-combat, critical missions, and she has fired her weapon twice.  She provides no suppressive fire; she doesn’t even try to pressure chokepoints.  I understand she’s from a high pedigree, sir, but she’s dead weight.”

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A Few Comments on Clones

If you were to meet your clone, what would you say?  What would there be to say?  For how long would you just stand there, dumbstruck, and speechless?  The same history, the same personality, the same conclusions drawn.  Throw out the pointless questions of which one is real, or how did it happen; the concept is far more intriguing than the cause, but it is the cause which so many people get so hung up on.

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A Straggler

A girl walks down a sidewalk smelling of cheap alcohol at 2 A.M., a testament to which remains held loosely in her thumb and ring finger.  To say she is drunk would be an overstatement; to say she is not in a state to be taken seriously is not.  Wet brown hair, blue striped socks, and a fuzzy bathrobe are all she has to her name at the moment, aside from the aforementioned bottle; it’s a story that starts with a sorority party and ends with her still failing to drink enough to forget how much she hates her current roommates.

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An Observer

A university campus.  Mid-September.  Spacious lawns and wooded paths in harmony.  The heat of summer begins to taper away, leading to pleasant, sleepy afternoons not-yet-burdened by the responsibility of classwork.  Young couples sit under trees.  Slacklines span between different trees.  Students perpetually traverse the sidewalks, each individual one having a purpose, but as a collective, having none.  An onlooker would comment, “This is way it should look.  This is college.”

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An Observer (incomplete)

A university campus.  Mid-September.  Spacious lawns and wooded paths in harmony.  The heat of summer begins to taper away, leading to pleasant, sleepy afternoons not-yet-burdened by the responsibility of classwork.  Young couples sit under trees.  Slacklines span between different trees.  Students perpetually traverse the sidewalks, each individual one having a purpose, but as a collective, having none.  An onlooker would comment, “This is way it should look.  This is college.”

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